The decentralised blockchain fund that has raised over $132 mln in a crowdsale is under attack. The money is being drained from the DAO account. Developers ask exchanges to stop selling ether.

Ethers for at least $50 mln are already gone.

According to a Reddit user gynoplasty, the money is being transmitted to this address. The attacker is believed to have moved the stolen ethers to a child DAO, which means that the funds will be in transfer for at least a week.

The DAO team has urged the community to help, asking those whose tokens have been blocked to vote “yes” on split proposals.

1.    If anyone knows who has the split proposals Congo Split, Beer Split and FUN-SPLT-42, please contact @griff on The DAO’s Slack. We need their help!

2.    If you have made a split proposal already and have the ability to split, please do so asap.

3.    If your tokens are blocked vote yes on split proposals.

4.    If your tokens are free, you have to make your best judgement call…”

The strategy laid down by a developer known as @griff includes spamming the Ethereum blockchain with the following code:

$ geth console (one terminal)

$ geth attach (second terminal)

for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[4], gas: 2300000, gasPrice: web3.toWei(20, 'shannon'), data: '0x5b620186a05a131560135760016020526000565b600080601f600039601f565b6000f3'}) }

According to the developer, this might lead to unexpected side effects.

The attack has resulted in a significant decrease in ether’s price, which has slid down to $15.

Earlier, one of the curators of the Distributed Autonomous Organisation called for a temporary moratorium on the activity of the investing platform due to seven weak points detected in its security system.

Maria Rudina