Online investment platform BnkToTheFuture is to take part in a Bitcoin Group’s IPO, currently raising investments via an SPV.

The SPV was launched a week after Australian Prime Minister made a US$2,000 bid for Bitcoin Group's shares. It has already been backed by 21 persons, raising $2,969,628 (which is 81% of the minimum investment goal) during the first two days.

The money gathered by the fund will be transacted only if the minimum goal is reached. To accomplish it, potential backers still have five days left. The overall sum currently offered by Bitcoin Group equals 15% out of the total 60.7% of its shares, that will be offered on the Australian Stock Exchange next month. The IPO itself is scheduled for 11 November and will be first such event ever launched by a bitcoin company.

Bitcoin Group is one of the Australia's largest mining operators, validating approximately 135,000 transactions per day. It announced its plans to release the IPO in September after fınally having settled the problems with getting official approval for the event. If the IPO succeeds, Bitcoin Group expects to achieve the level of production of 374 to 551 bitcoins daily.


Maria Rudina