National Bank: Belarus will not prohibit blockchain
Alexander Sotnikov, the head of the Payment Systems and Digital Technologies Department of the National Bank of Belarus, said that the country is not likely to turn down the distributed ledger technology.

Russia’s Ministry of Finance: bitcoin ban bill to be reintroduced in August
According to Alexey Moiseev, Russian Deputy Minister of Finance, the draft law on cryptocurrency ban will be updated but the Ministry is keen to stop the circulation of cryptocurrencies in Russia.

Europarliament abstains from imposing new rules on blockchain
Members of the European Parliament have voted to abstain from developing new regulative measures for blockchain systems, aiming to prompt innovation.

Russian Ministry of Justice disapproves bitcoin ban bill second time
Russian Ministry of Justice has not approved a draft bill criminalising cryptocurrencies despite the pressure from the Finance Ministry. Yet, the document will be submitted to the government for evaluation.

Russia: Ministries reported to disagree on bitcoin ban
According to yet unconfirmed media reports, the Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Justice may disapprove the bitcoin ban bill proposed by MinFin because they consider cryptocurrencies not dangerous.

OCC to prompt US regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies
The US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is going to release a whitepaper this week calling upon regulatory bodies to come together to work out clear guidelines for fintech startups and products related to cryptocurrencies and bitcoin in particular.

Russia’s MinFin again: Bitcoin ban law to enter Duma by August
Deputy Minister of Finance confirms that the draft law criminalising circulation of bitcoin in Russia will be passed to the State Duma during the current session. This sets the deadline as 6 August.

Australian government to amend taxation of bitcoin
Authorities will seek to introduce legislation on digital currencies in 2016 and address the problem of its double taxation by exempting bitcoin from GST.